Reality RPG

Cyber Fantasy Augmented reality mobile Adventure in the Real World.

Project Details

  • Platform : Mobile Android + iOS
  • Game Category : RPG
  • Game Engine : Unity
  • Multiplayer style : MMO/Party/Guild
  • Release Date : TBD-Paused

Reality RPG

Reality RPG is our big pet project. This is a game that we started developing because we already want to play it. After having experienced other georeferenced games like Pokemon Go and Orna, we felt like these games could have been way better if they were built focused upon what augmented reality brings to the table. That’s exactly what we want to do.

Our main focus is exploration, engagement, and immersiveness. We want the player to be able to hunt for rare Heroes, rare monsters and equipments. Delivering possibilities for grinding, creating custom player content, and just having a RPG that feels interconnected with the real world.

We also want to have a different approach to combat, but this will be revealed closer to the release date.

The history of the game will be hidden inside its items, characters, runes and scrolls. No big cutscenes is something that we want to stick to. The content will have to be discovered by the players (and sometimes, created by them)!

The following images are concepts of some of our first heroes, and for the looks of them, you can gather that we included technology and magic together, and right now we are calling our setting a CyberFantasy setting, which is almost self explanatory! :)

The game world/planet is called critalia and it has geography very similar to our world.
The link between our world and their world is a mystery.
Anthropomorphised biped animals.
"Races" like Racoons, Platypus, Cats
Think LoTR races (Elf, Dwarf, Human) but here they will be Felis (cats), Procyon (Racoons) and so on.

They live in Critalia, another dimension heavilly influenced by ours. Their heroes have their great powers activated when humans (we) interact with them through some strange devices (smartphones). Their world and ours are connected by this breach created by our game!

Tune in to our announcements and be prepared to uncover what is this connection and influence that our world has into the Heroes of Critalia.

Gharak Garathron draft

Above you can find a concept art for one of our first Heroes, Gharak Garathron, a Cyber Mage Polar bear, war veteran, and Great Hero of Critalia.

Yen draft

Yen is a Tactical Ninja Assassin. She is super sneaky, with invisibility skills and deadly tools. If you are seeing her, and you are not dead, be sure that it is her courtesy.

We are going to throw some other heroes and info here if it makes sense and if it's sharable!